
6 Weeks - 24 Months

Our Goals For Your Child:

  • Provide safe, Clean, And Fun Care

  • Pray As A Group

  • Enjoy Bible Stories In Picture Books

  • Learn That Going To Church Is Safe And Fun

  • Spend Time With My Teachers And Friends

  • Enjoy Holding the Bible And Know It is Special

  • Hear Songs About God And Jesus

Preschool. Elementary.

Our goal is for your kids to have a genuine relationship with God, build a Biblical foundation for their lives, grow with leaders, and love being at church.

Working Along Side Parents

We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. Together, we can help encourage, train, and pray for them as they grow in their faith.

Make The Most Of Your Child’s Time Spent At Church:

Pick a consistent service time to help your kids build a relationship with their leader and other kids their age.

Practice the current scripture memorization with your kids.

Stay connected to TBCC Kids by joining our Facebook group.

Build relationships with other Essential parents - Join a small Group.

Pray for your children each week as they come to church, and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your kids.

Interested in Child Dedication?

If you are interested in service to our children in developing a safe and strong spiritual foundation, send us a message.